Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Etiqutte for ETV - Classroom, Studio and Location

Etiquette - the ol' dictionary gives it this long-winded definition:

conventional requirements as to social behavior; proprieties of conduct as established in any class or community or for any occasion.

In other words, etiquette means proper conduct or behaviour, which can vary depending on the setting.

ETV has three settings where etiquette is extremely important:


This is where you learn the basic skills and ideas behind TV production. If you have not mastered classroom etiquette you are simply not ready to move on to production in the studio or around the rest of the school.

  • Coming to class on time - for ETV to run smoothly, you need to be in class, on time
  • Respect for you teacher and classmates
  • Not talking while your teacher (or anyone else) is talking
  • Listening and engaging in class discussion
  • Staying put in your seat, sitting up and facing forward
  • Keeping language and conduct school approriate
  • Not using phones, playing games or listening to mp3 players during class

For ETV, the classroom is the studio. With ETV, we aim to create a professional quality program. To do this, we all need to act professionally.

  • Quiet On the Set! - When the camera's are rolling, NOBODY TALKS other than the on-camera talent. And I mean DEAD SILENT, like hear-a-pin-drop silent!
  • Be Alert - It is crucial that crew persons on set pay attention at all times. If you've got a job to do and you drop the ball the whole production will go down the toilet real fast. If you notice a problem, speak up!
  • Safety - Make sure all wires and cable are taped down and secured. Absolutely no horseplay or fooling around on set!
  • Follow Directions - Listen to the teacher and directors
  • Respect Equipment - We have the privilege of using high end production equipment. Treat it with care and respect. Be gentle, wind up cables properly and put cameras away properly.
  • Be a Team Player - A solid TV production is the result of many people working together and doing their part. Instead of a "me first", think of what you can do to help the team.
Many of the ETV segments we do will be shot in various places around the school. Remember, every time you leave this classroom with cameras in hand, you are representing ETV and you are representing me. Don't let me down. It only takes a few bad eggs to turn opinion of this class sour.

  • Be Professional - Keep a professional air at all times. That means exceeding the school's expectations of good behavior. Make sure your fellow students that may be participating understand what is expected of them. Stay on task.
  • Be the Bigger Man, or Woman - You may encounter situations where students will be disrespectful. Instead of letting them start a fight, walk away. If a teachers or faculty member comes off as disrespectful, don't get in their face. Calmly explain what you are doing and show them your pass, and you should never have a problem.
  • Hallways - don't dilly dally or fool around in the hallways. Go to where you need to go quickly, quietly and respectfully.
  • Clean Up After Yourselves - if you have to set up in a location, make sure to leave it better than you found it.

TV Production Guidelines and Expectations

For the first post on this blog, here are the classroom guidelines and expectations as handed out on the syllabus.